onsdag 25. august 2010

Saviano Socks from Knitty

Saviano socks from Knitty, winter 2009 was presented so beautiful in Knitty, that I had to try to make them:

Saviano socks

The yarn is beautiful!

New yarn

Saviano socks

Pattern: Saviano by Yarnissima
Yarn: Gepard Garn Strong-Art, 60 gram/270 yards
Needles: 2.5 mm/US 1.5
Errors: There are lots of errors in the pattern - take a look at my notes (Ravelry).

Added: Knitty looked at my notes and changed the pattern today (26/8-10). I don't think there are any errors now. :)

more old stuff later ;)


6 kommentarer:

  1. Nydelige sokker i flotte farger, garnet ser lekkert ut og det må prøves ut..

    Ha en flott helg :-)

  2. Flotte sokker, og så kjekt at du blogger igjen! Lurte på hvor du var blitt av.

  3. Nice socks, wish I dare to make some for myself one day.
    Surfed in to your blog thanks to moebius-shawl, haha I thought about this pattern while searching, and there your pattern appeared *LOL* Gonna try it but the opposite way, if you know what I mean.
    Take care - will drop by again soon.

  4. Herlig farge på de sokkene. Nydelig mønster også.
