lørdag 16. mai 2009

Beautiful sweater

Look at this:

Hooded sweater

I think it's beautiful.

Best of all: The pattern is free!

Mine didn't go so well, the yarn has to much twist and I didn't get gauge - I gave up and frogged it.



4 kommentarer:

  1. Det er visst ikke meninga at du skal strikke noe for tia, men genseren er kjempefin så kanskje du kan prøve med et annet garn?

    Ha en flott 17.mai :-)

  2. Really gorgeous sweater! Do you still have the pattern? It's been removed from that page and I would really really like to try, would really appreciate it...thanks.

  3. Hi, lovely sweater. Do you still have the pattern? It's been removed from the website and would really like to try it. Would really appreciate your help! Thanks.

  4. Hi, lovely pattern. Do you still have it? It's been removed from the website and I would really like to try it. Would really appreciate your help! Thanks.
