fredag 22. august 2008

Making cards - not

Really - I really want to make some cards and I have 3 kits to help me to start to make my own cards.

Looks great, but how?? 3 lines of description really doesn't help me much. Really! *argh*

not making cards, not making cards,

not making cards, not making cards,

I give up!

But really - since I'm still in this mood: Why do scissors come in packing where you need scissors to open the sealing?

not making cards,

But really, I have to keep on, because I've gotten this for my Birthday:

not making cards,


But really - Have a nice weekend!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Scissors needed to openpackage with scissors: Been there done that! LOL!
    Hope your weekend will be good despite the meager card instructions..

  2. Ikke gi opp, finn inspirasjon i Pandurokatalogen eller hos SGS *hjelpsom* Det er jo moro å lage kort, men jeg synes det er litt pes også, så det blir helst julekort jeg gidder å sette meg ned med (lister meg ut igjen) God helg.

  3. Om det er til noko trøst lagar eg heller ikkje kort. Eg har til og med klart å halde meg unna å kjøpe kits og lignande.

    Det med at ein treng saks for å opne saksepakninga er litt ironisk ja. Omtrent som dei klesbutikkane ein skulle ha vore inne og handla i og kledd seg opp frå før ein er fin nok til å gå og handle der.

  4. Hi Turvid, I read in a magazine this month that a CAN OPENER (manual) does fast and safe work of those plastic blister packs! For next time.

    And happy Birthday and good for you for making cards! I'm BIG on that! Handmade cards are a specialty here. Maybe I can be your card consultant?

    How many will you need to make this year? I see Holiday card makings in your photos.

    If you'll be making over 10, you'll want to keep the design and fabrication uber simple, trust me. But that doesn't mean it can't look incredible and carry a lot of handmade love with it.

    I find it best to start with the message for the year, what you want most to say, then think about what art/symbol would best deliver that message.

  5. Du, den øverste jule pakken har jeg også. Jeg klipper og limer litt hist og pisst....hihihi.Blir så bra så...:-))

    Masse mye fint du har produsert!!

    Håper du har en fin sensommer helg.
