lørdag 30. august 2008

Dishcloths - again and CoP progress

I think I have enough dishcloths for a while...

Wash cloths

I'll show you all of the dishcloths soon (it's a lot!).

Curve of Pursuit

The CoP is getting bigger and bigger:


And I'm almost out of gray yarn. Maybe I'll find a similar gray, or maybe I'll use a different color. Like red? hehe

Happy Saturday!

fredag 29. august 2008

Yay - it's Friday!

Finally Friday.

The CoP-blanket is looking great:


But I'll propably run out of the gray yarn, and I'm not really happy about that. I'll have to think about what to do...

In the spirit of cleaning up the closet I've found all my FO's that are just FO's with no plans. I have a lot of FO's:


More about this later.

Have a really nice weekend!

torsdag 28. august 2008

Belle of the Ball Podcast

Sherrill's podcast the "Belle of the Ball Podcast" is one of my favourites. I've been a listener since she started podcasting.


She is having a little contest, and I'm all in. Please visit HERE.

onsdag 27. august 2008

CoP progress

Not a very big blanket yet *lol*


The yarn is very hard on my fingers so I have to knit something else in between:


A garther stitch dishcloth in cotton tread.

tirsdag 26. august 2008

New project

I've started a new project: Curve of Pursuit


But I'm not sure that I'm ready for such a big project...

Off the needles: More dishcloths


This time in a (k5,p5) pattern, easy and decorative.


Yarn: Mandarin Classic (cotton)
Needles: 4.5 mm

mandag 25. august 2008

Only 4 months

It's only 4 months to *you know what*.

Do you have a plan?

Here are some crocheted stars to get me started:

Crocheted stars

Pattern: My own (sort of)

And the cards I made the other night:

My creation

Are you making any gifts this year?

lørdag 23. august 2008

Some cards

I made some Christmas cards yesterday, but not from the kits (see prev. post).

The pics are not ready yet, but I have pics of some cards I made earlier this month:


I know they are just simple cards, that any kid could make, but that is where I'm at right now. ;)

But I just love the little pirat, isn't he cute?

Happy Saturday!

Internt: Hei vennen, håper jeg kan gi deg et kort ala det rosa på toppen om en stund. Gratulerer og lykke til! :)

fredag 22. august 2008

Making cards - not

Really - I really want to make some cards and I have 3 kits to help me to start to make my own cards.

Looks great, but how?? 3 lines of description really doesn't help me much. Really! *argh*

not making cards, not making cards,

not making cards, not making cards,

I give up!

But really - since I'm still in this mood: Why do scissors come in packing where you need scissors to open the sealing?

not making cards,

But really, I have to keep on, because I've gotten this for my Birthday:

not making cards,


But really - Have a nice weekend!

torsdag 21. august 2008

Making room - tutorial

Plastic bags take up a lot of space.

Here is what i found in the kitchen cupboard:

plastic bags

Looks like a lot....

But really, if I fold them, you can see that it's not that many:

plastic bags

Want to know how?

Here we go:

1. Take any plastic bag

Folding plastic bags

2. Fold it once

Folding plastic bags

3. and then again

Folding plastic bags

4. start at the bottom and make a corner

Folding plastic bags

5. continue folding

Folding plastic bags

6. until you're almost at the top

Folding plastic bags

7. Fold the top of the bag once

Folding plastic bags

8. make a corner

Folding plastic bags

9. The top of the bag goes inside the folding

Folding plastic bags

10. Done!

Folded plastic bag

Man - I wonder why I'm not getting any knitting done...


onsdag 20. august 2008

I got an award :)

I got an award from Silja. Thank you so much!


I'm sending the award forward to Kate, Marita BK, Bente, my new favourite Liselotte and right back to Silja.
Please visit these great blogs!

The rules of the award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link to the person that gave you the award.
3. Nominate at least 5 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on your blog.
5. Notify the blogs that you have nominated

mandag 18. august 2008


I've made several dishcloths this summer.

Here is one:

Wash cloth

Free pattern: Beginners reversible scarf
Mods: 49 sts
Yarn: Mandarin Classic (50g/120 yards), 100% cotton
Needles: 4mm (US 6)

Oppskrift på norsk:

Jeg har brukt Mandarin Classic (100% bomull, 50 gram = 110 m).
Pinner: 4 mm

Legg opp 49 masker

Alle rader: Strikk 2 rett, gjenta: (2 rett, 1 vrang) 15 ganger, avslutt med 2 rett.

Gjenta denne raden til kluten din er i ønsket størrelse, fell av og fest tråder.

søndag 17. august 2008


A pair of winter socks are done:


Pattern: My own (Magic cast-on, magic loop, short row heel, 44 sts)
Needles: 4 mm
Yarn: Mor Aase raggegarn, 75 g

And a new sock is on the needles:


Pattern: My own
Needles: 2.5 mm
Yarn: Opal Smoke

fredag 15. august 2008

Sweetie Pie - skirt

The sweetie pie cami turned into a sweetie pie skirt:

sweetie pie skirt

sweetie pie skirt

Before finishing:

Sweetie pie skirt

Have a nice weekend, and if you need a good laugh:

Have fun!

torsdag 14. august 2008


A new dishcloth:


To enter a contest on the forum "Hobbyboden" and...



A new laptop - YAY!

(It's an Asus).

onsdag 13. august 2008

Noe Noa

My Noe Noa scarf by Bente is done:


I used a heavier yarn (Mandarin classic) than the pattern calls for (Mandarin petit) and had to adjust the pattern a bit.

Feltet balls

My felted wool balls have traveled to several different sites these last days, and created a lot of trafic to my blog. Here are some more that I found:

Simply Knitting
Artoholic Rabbit
mmmm, brains
Whip Up
One Pretty Thing
The Crafty Crow
Lime & Violet's Daily Chum
Holidays by hand


mandag 11. august 2008

Flower Power Elephant

Meet Elly the happy elephant:


Pattern: Flower Power Elephant
Yarn: Idena Bambino Ull (20 g, 76 yards)
Needles: 2mm (US 0)

I crocheted the "flower power":



Felted Wool Balls

My felted wool balls from my last post made it to the Craftzine blog, and I've had a lot (!) of people passing by my blog. Lots of fun! Thanks to The Lazy Milliner for making that happen.

I do needle felt the balls before washing, and I use a small net washbag the first time. And I also needle felt a little bit between washing.

fredag 8. august 2008


What do you do with your bits and pieces of wool-yarn?

I save everything...

... and then I make colorfull balls for the kids to play with:

Balls ;)

I needle felt them a little bit, before I throw them in the machine two or three times.

Balls ;)

Have a nice weekend!!

Ravel it!

ETA: New post here

torsdag 7. august 2008

Music in Denmark

I found the song they played on the radio, all the time, this summer in Denmark.

I like!

The Ting Tings - That's not my name

Knitting a balloon?

"Mom - are you knitting a balloon"?


Elephant Elephant

Balloon with tits?


Nope... :D