mandag 28. juli 2008

Recycling socks

I'm a sock (mis)user...

I wear the thicker socks, not the nice ones I make on needle zero. The thicker ones made with hard, ugly woll/nylon yarn are my favourites.

These were a gift to me (I think):

"Holy" socks...

Great socks, dull and boring to knit, but great to wear. Until:

"Holy" socks...

Almost looks like a glove...

"Holy" socks...


I know I should throw these away, but... there are a perfectly fine pair of legs there..

More later...


4 kommentarer:

  1. Man kan vel si at de var velbrukt.
    Ha en fin sommerkveld.

  2. Gode sokker blir velbrukt! Fine sokker i forrige innlegg.

  3. Såkalt kreativ gjenbruk :)!

  4. ...Venter spent på fortsettelsen...
