tirsdag 31. mars 2009

Contest mode

We have a knitting contest on the Norwegian forum "Hobbyboden". So far I've made:


Falkgarn socks

Free pattern: Falkgarn Socks
Yarn: Mor Aase Raggegarn, 75 grams/150 yards
Needles: 3.5 mm / US 4
Mods: None

Fingerless mittens


Pattern: My own
Yarn: Gjestal Silja Sock Yarn, 35 g/115 yards
Needles: US 4 / 3.5 mm

Off to knit a hat...


fredag 27. mars 2009


Not much knitting these (moving)days, but I am knitting socks, slowly.

This is my Tropical Mer-Tini socks (Sockmadness 3):

SockMadness 3

Way to big for me. They are gifted to my hubby, the first handmade pair of socks from me (after 10 years together)!

Pattern: Tropical Mer-Tini by Ronni Smith
Needle: 2.5 mm (US 1 1/2)
Yarn: Zwerger Garn Opal Smoke, 70 gram (325 yards)
Mods: none

A new sock are now on my needle in this yarn:


Mor Aase Raggegearn. I'm using the "Falkgarn socks" pattern.

Have a nice weekend!


søndag 22. mars 2009


No knitting today - new house, new place for the yarn. I kind of miss my old flat ...

I have to learn how to bild a fire - baby it's cold out here...


Leave a comment, I'll visit your blog!

fredag 20. mars 2009

I was going to

blog a new hat pattern today, but guess what happend:



And this is my start of the Tropical Mer-tini:


Back to knitting


mandag 16. mars 2009

Merino socks

This is my new pink socks:

Pink socks

The yarn was a gift from Karipia, my very first socks in merino wool - so soft and just a joy to knit.

Look at the beautiful pattern:

Pink socks

Pink socks

Free pattern: Lakehouse socks (Ravelry link)
Yarn: Eddagarn by Viking of Norway, 100% Merino wool, 75g (300 yards)
Needles: US 1½ / 2.5 mm

About the pattern: This was not a very easy pattern. I had some difficulties with the start of the pattern at the foot and again with getting the pattern right after the heel, but I did it and the result is beautiful.

Happy knitting!


søndag 15. mars 2009

Our new home part II

The blue room and the pink room:

(Norwegian only)

Her er ett av barnerommene i nydelig knallblå:


Sjekke denne lampa - tror vi må kjøpe en ny ;)


Gutten har selv valgt farger og nå ser det slik ut:


Ja - han har fått sorte persienner også.

Den fine lampa henger der fortsatt, men det skal vi gjøre noe med ganske raskt.

Vi har en ekstra "gang" mellom "inngangsgangen" og vaskerommet ved inngangen, der var det vakkert rosa, sånn flekkvis:


Nå er det ikke rosa lenger:


Jeg er rimelig sikker på at det blir en ny lampe her også!

Ha en fin uke!


lørdag 14. mars 2009

Our new home

We are all working hard:

IMG_8471 lite

And we are moving in to our new home next weekend.

We have spend the last month (and more) to make the house fit for habitation.

In Norwegian only:

Vårt nye hjem trengte masser av oppussing. Vi hadde tenkt å gjøre det billigst mulig og startet med å male tak og peis i den godt innrøkte stua. Da vi skulle male veggene tok vi ned et skap på den ene veggen og det viste seg at det var tapetsert rundt dette lille skapet (Hallo! - hvem gjør slikt) så vi kjøpte vegger:

IMG_8463 Hvem tapetserer bak et skap?



Så var det på tide å male:


Fine gardiner:



Og så begynner det å likne på noe:


Ja - vi mangler gardiner og slikt, men det kommer nok etterhvert :)

Mer om det rosa rommet, det blå rommet og de smarte (men både ulovlige og farlige) elektriske løsningene snart.

God helg!

tirsdag 10. mars 2009

Drop stitch scarves

I while ago I made two drop stitch scarves, one for an adult and one for a girl:

Drop stitch scarf

The pattern is the Mile-a-minute Scarf #2 from my last post.
Needles and yarn: This time I used double yarn (Zettl Sportimo) and needle 12 mm (US 17)

For kid: 11 sts, 40 g yarn/131 yards, Size: 14x110 cm (5.5x44 inches), unblocked.

Drop stitch scarf

For adult: 15 sts, 80 g yarn/263 yards, Size: 20x160 cm (8x60 inches), unblocked.

Drop stitch scarf

Still more to blog about, another night :)

Free pattern: Mile a minute scarf (#2)

Here is the pattern for my Mile-a-minute Scarf #2

Need a quick gift but don’t have the patience for long scarves?
This pattern makes a fancy reversible scarf in a short evening.

Mile-a-Minute Scarf 2


Use an Aran or Bulky weight yarn: About 50 g (75-100 yards) depending on what size scarf you would like to make, or double up your thinner yarns.

Needles: 8-12 mm (US 11-17). For the scarf shown I used 10 mm (US 15)

Gauge (not important): 12 sts = 10 cm (4 inches) on 8 mm (US 11) needles.

Use bigger needles than the yarn usually calls for.

Finished scarf: I used 45 g (77 yards) of Mirelle from SandnesGarn (45% wool, 55% Polyamid). The scarf is about 11 x 140 cm (~5 x 55 inches), and it's very stretchy in both width and length.

Skill level: Easy

Note: Adjust the stitch count to get a different size.


Cast on 9 stitches on needle 10 mm (US 15)

Row 1. k
Row 2. k1, (YO twice, k1) repeat between ( and ) to end of row.
Row 3. k1, (Drop the two YOs from last row, k1) repeat between ( and ) to end of row.
Row 4. k
Repeat these four rows until your scarf is at desired length. End by knitting row 4.

Cast off loosely.


Weave in all ends.
Block if you want to.

If you make this scarf please let me know! I would love to see what you have created.

**Free pattern for personal use only**

by turvid 2008

Drop stitch scarfWhite scarf: 11 sts, needle: 12mm (US 17), double sports weight yarn.

Please contact me via email if you need further instructions: turvid at online dot no.

More free patterns

mandag 9. mars 2009

Still snowing - please stop!

Beautiful when it looks like this:


Not so much toyday - it's raining half of the time and we still have 3 foot snow.

New on my needles:


Scala by Stephanie van der Linden - a lovely cabled sock.

Thank you for visiting :)

fredag 6. mars 2009

Moebius lace cowl

I love my new cowl:

One row lace moebius

And I love this yarn - silk and bamboo - so soft.

Free pattern: One Row Lace Scarf
Yarn: Vickie Howell Love, colorway: Peter & Mary jane, 1 skeins (50 g) = 98.0 yards
Needles: US 10 / 6.0 mm
Mods: 20 sts. I had just 1 ball of this beautiful and soft yarn so I twisted the scarf before sewing the ends together, to form a moebius cowl.

One row lace moebius Love

It's Friday - have a nice one! :)

torsdag 5. mars 2009

Free Pattern: One Row Lace Scarf

Here is the pattern for my One Row (reversible) Lace Scarf:

This pattern makes a beautiful reversible lace scarf that can be knitted in all kinds of different yarns. An opportunity to use that fingering weight wool, soft alpaca, perhaps some of your sock yarn, sport weight yarn or worsted weight, I've even used a fuzzy yarn (Pep) for this scarf.

Lace scarf


I used 45 g (~175 yards) of a superfine alpaca yarn. The scarf is about 13 x 150 cm (~5 x 60 inches) unblocked, and it's very stretchy in both width and length.

Needles: 6 mm (US 10).

Use bigger needles than the yarn usually calls for.

Gauge (not important): 8 sts = 5 cm (2 inches) in pattern.

Skill level: Easy(/Intermediate)

Note: This will make an (unblocked) width of about 13 cm (about 5 inches). To increase the width: add 4 or more stitches, dividable with 4. The scarf is very stretchy, but you could use a bigger/smaller needle size, thicker/thinner yarn or adjust the stitch count to get a different size.

K= knit
K2tog= knit 2 stitches together
YO= Yarn over
Sts= stitches


Cast on 24 sts (or any number of stiches dividable with 4).

Knit 2 rows

Knit pattern row:

K4, (YO, K2tog, K2) repeat between ( ) 5 times.

Repeat the pattern row until your scarf is at desired length.

Knit 1 row.

Cast off loosely.


Weave in ends.
Block if you want to.

If you make this scarf please let me know! I would love to see what you have created.

**Free pattern for personal use only**
by turvid 2008

Lace scarf

Please contact me via email if you need further instructions: turvid at online dot no.

My blog
My homepage/gallery
More Free Patterns

tirsdag 3. mars 2009

Lots to blog about

We (my hole family) have been sick the last few days and are finally getting better, I hope.
Even if I have lots to blog about I have no blog mojo. No knitting mojo either.

Maybe I'll read the new IK:

IK Spring 2009

or watch TV...

I'll probably feel better tomorrow, or later tonight. :)

Thanks for stopping by!