lørdag 31. januar 2009

I won!

I'm lucky! I got a bearhug AND a price from Karipia.

Karipia took the time to "get to know me" through my blog, and sent me the best gift:


Sockyarn - merino wool - hmmm
Purse - love it!
Stichmarkers - very cute, I'll show them off later
Ear rings - again, to dark to get a good pic of them now
Nice card - about friends
Chocolate - eaten

Karpia: Tusen takk! <3

Old but nice

My thoughts goes to my hometown.... (Swedish music).

Summer of 1990? Man....

fredag 30. januar 2009

Smart socks

I've knitted socks again.

Smart socks

Inspired by Wendy of Wendy Knits! I've knitted a toe-up sock with gusset increases on the bottom of the foot instead of on the sides.


Smart socks

Gusset increase:

Smart socks

Yarn: Sandnes Garn Smart, 1.8 skeins = 195 yards (180 m)
Needles: US 4 / 3.5 mm
Methods: toe-up, magic cast-on, magic loop, 24/44 sts, 2x2 rib, gusset increase

Very fun knitting!

Have a nice weekend!

onsdag 28. januar 2009


Likte du maskemarkørene i mitt forrige innlegg?

New stichmarkers

Tenkte meg det. ;)

Du har mulighet til å vinne et par maskemarkører hvis du besøker Sol sin blogg.

Lykke til!

tirsdag 27. januar 2009

Mosey on my needles

New project again, this time it's Mosey - my very first pair of legwarmers.

New stichmarkers

Look at the beautiful stichmarkers I got from Sol:

New stichmarkers

Sol also sells stichmarkers, yarn and more online.


And lucky me, I got this "Kreativ Blogger Award" from Sol and from Sommertid:


Thank you so much, I really appreciate this!

fredag 23. januar 2009

Give me a hug!

Karipia started this nice hug to go around.


Everybody needs a hug sometimes.

Please feel free to post the hug in your blog, and link back to me if you want to.

Thanks to Karipia!

Spring please?

I'm so tired of the winter, tired of the snow, the ice, the cold air, the darkness...

It's picture beautiful, but that's all.

Winter Winter

On my needles

Not much:

Shalom is still waiting to be blocked.

A pair of socks are almost done, I've tried a new heel this time, and love it!

A crocheted scarf was on the hook for a while - but is frogged now.


But now it is the weekend, hopefully it will stop snowing soon.

Did I mention that I don't care to much about the winter? *lol*

A happy song:

to wish you a happy weekend. :)

mandag 19. januar 2009

Shalom progress

Almost done:


I'm not really sure how I feel about this yet.
Maybe some blocking is what it needs.

fredag 16. januar 2009

Nothing Sweet About Me

Friday night - where is the party?

Love this!

Blog of the week award :)

I got a "Blog of the week"-award from Annette. Yay. :)

Annette fra Annettes blog har gitt meg en kjempekoselig oppmerksomhet på bloggen sin:

Ukens blogg: Ukens blogg

For en fin start på helga - Tusen takk!

torsdag 15. januar 2009


The sleeveless cardigan "Shalom" is on my needles:

Shalom Vest

I don't know what to do with the cap sleeves yet, we'll see...

And here is my baby blanket, without pins:


Almost weekend - Have a nice one!

tirsdag 13. januar 2009

Baby blanket

My baby blanket is done:


Love the result!

Pattern: Two color doily
Yarn: Smart, Sandnesgarn (155 g / 340 yards)
Needles: 6 mm
Size: 1 meter (40 inches)
Ravel it!


The blanket is adopted by my youngest.


søndag 11. januar 2009


stash jan-08 (old pic)

I bought and used 11 kg yarn in 2008.

Stash: 29 kg yarn (same as last year).


lørdag 10. januar 2009


My Pi-socks are done:


Receipe: Pi-socks
Pattern: toe-up, magic cast-on (24 sts), magic loop, 48 sts, short row heel (12 sts), 1x1 ribbing
Yarn: Schachenmayr nomotta Regia Jacquard Color 4-ply / 4-fädig (25 g, 115 yards) and Regia Uni / Solid 4-ply / 4-fädig (30 g, 138 yards)
Needle: 2.5 mm (US 1 1/2)

To get jogless stripes I used TECHknitters method for stationary jogless stripes.


I'm quite happy with the result.

Tiny blanket

My tiny blanket is of the Harmony Wood needles and blocking right now. Good needles, but nothing to die for...


And then there was nothing on my needles *panic*.

Have a nice Saturday!

torsdag 8. januar 2009

New needles -> new project

Finally it's my turn to knit with:


Harmony Wood from Knit Picks = Symfonie Wood from KnitPro.

Yay! Thank you, Maja!

This is the first time I've started a project with just the needles.

First: New needles!
Next: finding a yarn in my stash to fit the needles.
Finally: looking for a pattern to fit the yarn and needles.

Ravel it!

Dette er første gang jeg planlegger et prosjekt ved å starte med pinnene, for så å finne garn, for så å lete etter mønster. Gleder meg til å prøve disse pinnene. Håper de er like gode som alle sier. :)

onsdag 7. januar 2009

Fun for the new knitting year

I've restartet my KnitMeter, ready for 2009


I've already knitted 220 meter (240 yards) for my first socks this year, soon the second pair is done. :)

Last year (using the KnitMeter) I knitted 12 000 meter (13 100 yards) May to December.
(This is mostly a reminder to self).

Get your own KnitMeter here

Still havn't looked through my stash...

Jeg "teller" det jeg strikker vha KnitMeter. I fjor fikk jeg visst 12 000 meter garn til å bli noe strikket eller heklet (mai til desember). :)

Hvis du har lyst på ditt eget tellesystem er det link ovenfor her.

Det er enda "et par" nøster i lageret mitt (hehe), jeg skal prøve å veie det snart *lover*

tirsdag 6. januar 2009

Socks of 2009 - the first pair done

I've finished my first pair of socks for 2009, my New Year knitting:


Recipe: magic cast-on, toe-up, magic loop, 24/50 sts, short row heel, 3x1 rib.
Yarn: Zwerger Garn Opal Bambus / Bamboo 4-fach / 4-ply, 50 g (235 yards).
Needle: 2.5 mm (US 1 1/2).


I ment to knit these for my hubby, but they are too small...

But I tried....


New on my needles are the Pi-socks.


3.141592653589 so far.

søndag 4. januar 2009

One more and...

I love this!

and this:


Happy weekend!

To my hubby

*our song*


I L U!

lørdag 3. januar 2009

Favourite music

Thanks for all the hugs - I needed them!

Whats make me happy:

The Ting Tings - That's not my name

fredag 2. januar 2009

Crafting Party

Crafting party!


at Muffins blog

I'm still knitting socks:

New year socks

(I've passed the heels now).

In my glass:

Summer 2008

(Pic from this summer).

Happy knitting! :)

(I'm a little bit down in moods today, so please leave me a hug or hi! in my comments...). Thanks :)

torsdag 1. januar 2009

Welcome to 2009

In 2008 I made:

  • Socks (pair): 21

  • Sweaters: 3

  • Mittens: 3

  • Hats: 12

  • Doilies: 2

  • Bags: 9

  • Blankets: 3

  • Wash cloths: 25

  • Christmas decorations: 63

  • Scarves: 17

And then some...

About the same as last year.

Nyttår 2007/2008

More about my stash another day....