torsdag 29. mai 2008

Free pattern: One Row Lace Scarf

New free pattern: One Row Lace Scarf

This pattern makes a beautiful reversible lace scarf that can be knitted in different wool yarns. An opportunity to use that fingering weight wool, soft alpaca, perhaps some of your sock yarn, dk or sport weight yarn.

Lace scarf

Link to pattern

Ravel it

Lace scarf

onsdag 28. mai 2008

Hat, Ravelry - Yay! and top (not yay)

My knitted/crocheted hat is done:


It fits snugly and are waiting for colder weather.

Free pattern: Strikkelue by Bente (in Norwgian only)
Yarn: SandnesGarn Rondo, 100 g (81 yards)
Needles: 7 mm
Mods: Only 3 rounds of crocheting, a different decrease.

Ravelry - Yay!

My new Ravelry-shirt arrived. This time it fits.



Tank top

I did something wrong somewhere:


And it was too big anyway - frogged.

But the pattern was nice:


I dag er det skikkelig sommer ute - Herlig!

søndag 25. mai 2008

On my needles

There is some progress and somethings new on my needles and hooks:

Pink Shrug

Pink shrug

I'm not sure about this one, so it's on hold for now...

Knitted and crocheted hat


Crocheted tank top

Tank Top

Please visit my Ravelry projects for more details.

Denne helga har jeg (nesten) gjort ferdig shrugen. Den har en merkelig passform (for meg) så jeg er ikke helt sikker på hva jeg skal gjøre med den.

I går startet jeg med en strikke/heklelue, Bentes oppskrift, den blir nok raskt ferdig.

Dagen i dag har vært deilig varm. Jeg har startet på en heklet topp, som sikkert ikke kommer til å passe, kjenner jeg meg rett....

Ha en fin uke!

tirsdag 20. mai 2008

Pink Shrug progress

Slowly, slowly....


Det går tregt med dette strikkeprosjektet. *1 rad rett, 1 rad vrang* repeter mellom *_* cirka tusenvis av ganger...

Innimellom strikker jeg kluter.

tirsdag 13. mai 2008

Not much to tell

I have a shrug on my needles:


Link to my Ravelry projects.

Nothing else...

But I have some beautiful new flowers in my house:


Tusen takk vennen. *klem*

fredag 9. mai 2008

Lemon Drop scarf

My Lemon Drop scarf is done:

Lemon Drop Scarf

Pattern: Lemon Drop scarf by Vickie Howell
Yarn: Rock (SWTC/Vickie Howell Collection)
Needles: 4 mm and 7 mm

There was an error in the pattern I got. To match the picture you have to repeat rows 13-16 one more time before knitting rows 17-24.

The yarn felt a little heavy for this scarf, and it’s a little itchy on my neck.

Lemon Drop Scarf

The scarf is really easy and fast to knit and it looks beautiful. I’m really happy for receiving this contest price from Vickie. :)

Have a nice long weekend!

tirsdag 6. mai 2008

Basketcase Socks

My Bascetcase socks are done:

Basketcase socks

Here you can se more of the pattern:

Basketcase socks

Free pattern: Basketcase Socks by Criminy Jickets
Mods: 48 sts
Yarn: SandnesGarn Smart, 85g (185 yards)
Needles: 3.5 mm (US 4)

On my needles

Lemon drop scarf almost done:

Lemon drop

And then there is nothing (beside washcloths). I wonder what I'm going to make next...

søndag 4. mai 2008

Got balls?

The pattern for May in the "Sokker2008"-KAL is the Basketcase Socks.

First I had to wind up the yarn...


About 2200 yards...


Made into 100g balls


by hand....


And then I could knit:


The socks are done by the way, I just have to weave in the ends.

Happy knitting!

lørdag 3. mai 2008

May socks

The skp2008-KAL have a new pattern out. The Berlin-Pattern.

I knitted all day yesterday, and then into the night. A good 15 hours knitting...

Here are my Berlin socks:


Love the pattern, even if 60 sts is a little big for my skinny legs.
The yarn is beautiful Opal Smoke (60g).
Needles: 2.5 mm

May-socks Have a nice weekend!