søndag 30. desember 2007

Seat pads and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

seat pad
Originally uploaded by turvid

The last gift before Christmas (besides a fun-fur scarf that was finished on christmas eve) for my MIL/FIL:

Seat pads to use on hiking rests. :)

Happy New Year to you, and anyone that has looked at, and commented on my site this year. Thanks, it really means something to me!

Riktig godt nytt år til alle som er innom.

Tusen takk for alle koselige kommentarer. Det betyr så masse.


mandag 24. desember 2007

My Christmas tree

All decorations are done! :)

The house looks and smells like Christmas. Tomorrow is the big day, and we are all ready for the christmas evening, with family, friends, good food and lots (!) of gifts.

All the decorations on my tree is homemade, a tradition for us now.

Merry Christmas to all and everyone!

søndag 23. desember 2007

lørdag 22. desember 2007

Angels (with tits)

Originally uploaded by turvid

I'm almost finished decorating for Christmas. The tree is going to be decorated tomorrow.

These girls are a joy to look at. :)

I hope that you'll have a happy holiday if you are celebrating, and wathever you are celebrating, I hope it's all good.

Me myself are celebrating the earth turning and the promise of more than 3 hours light/sun a day. Finaly!

Thank you so much for all your comments, it means the world to me.

Mine Svorsk/Danske venner:

Riktig god jul til alle som er innom. Om du feirer jul i vanlig forstand, eller ikke. Jeg feirer at vi går mot lysere tider, og viser gjerne frem puppe-englene mine, som gir meg et smil om munnen, hver gang jeg ser på de.

Tusen takk for alle koselige kommentarer. Jeg er utrolig glad for at jeg har et så godt "nettverk" ute på webben.

Riktig god jul til alle sammen! *klem*

torsdag 20. desember 2007

Yuletide Gnome

Yuletide gnome
Originally uploaded by turvid
I love these gnomes! This is my 8. or 9. gnome (?), the pattern is from Simply Knitting.

My Christmas-holiday has startetd- finaly!

I hope you have a good one!

No inspiration and Lucky me!

Originally uploaded by turvid

I'm looking for inspiration for something to knit/crochet. All the Xmas presents are done and wrapped, there is no-thing on my needles, and I'm kind of out of sock yarn (almost)...

EDA: Oh - I thought of something.... I think I have a scarf-idea.

But I have some Happy news:

I won stitchmarkers from Lixie Knits It. Oh - I'm so looking forward to getting them in my mail. Just look: Link to stitcmarkers.

Lixie Knits It is a really nice London-based Podcast, and Littlelixie mentioned my blog in her last podcast (Episode 13). Thank you so much for your nice shout-out.

søndag 16. desember 2007

Christmas Decorations

Photo Christmas
Originally uploaded by turvid

I decorated the house with all the christmas-decorations today. I still have to iron and place the doilies around, and some other small things, and the tree isn't here yet, but it looks like christmas is getting closer. :)

Happy Sunday!

3. søndag før jul:

Så tenner vi tre lys i kveld
for lengsel, håp og glede
de står og skinner for seg selv
og oss som er til stede.
Så tenner vi tre lys i kveld.
For lengsel, håp og glede.

fredag 14. desember 2007

New Free Pattern: Sloched Tuva Hat

I needed a new hat, and ended up with this:

A really fast knit.

Free Pattern HERE

tirsdag 11. desember 2007


Originally uploaded by turvid
I feel I have to do something to get my house ready for christmas, instead I do a lot of other things. Like playing with the computer.

This is my little "nisse" (santa) made in cernit about a year ago.

Södera Socks and Ravelry

A bigger pic of my södera socks, a really nice pattern:

I didn't make them knee high, I have no use for that.

And my Ravelry t-shirt arrived safely, but not big enough.... I love it anyway:

søndag 9. desember 2007

Sokker 2007 - all done

I have finished all the socks in "Sokker2007":


Södera socks

Södera socks
Originally uploaded by turvid
Yes - Södera Socks are comming on beautifuly.

I'm not going to make them knee-high, so their almost done.


torsdag 6. desember 2007

Virtual Book Launch

Originally uploaded by turvid

And you can win yarn!


Lyst til å vinne garn? Såklart du har. En liten mail, og så er du med. Link HER.

onsdag 5. desember 2007

Magic Södera socks

I have startet on the Södera Socks, the last socks in the Norwegian Kal "Sokker 2007". I have made all of the socks in this years KAL, if I make this pair in December. The signing up for next years "Sokker 2008" is on.

Jeg har startet på Södera sokkene som er det siste sokkeparet i "Sokker 2007". Hvis jeg får strikket dette paret, så har jeg strikket alle parene i Sokker 2007. Påmeldingen til Sokker 2008 er i gang, og jeg er selvsagt påmeldt der også.

Jeg har krympet maskeantallet fra 60 til 40 masker, så det blir noen tettsittende sokker, men det er bedre enn at de blir alt for store. Jeg la opp ved å bruke magic cast on, og har fulgt opp med å strikke sokken på en lang runpinne, magic loop.

søndag 2. desember 2007


Originally uploaded by
Så tenner vi et lys i kveld, vi tenner det for glede.
Det står og skinner for seg selv, og oss som er tilstede.
Så tenner vi et lys i kveld, vi tenner det for glede.

fredag 30. november 2007

Happy Birthday!

Originally uploaded by turvid
Happy Birthday to my big, little man.

9 years old...

mandag 26. november 2007


Looking forward to Christmas!

Christmas gifts for friends and family.

torsdag 22. november 2007

Dishcloth yarn

I've got questions about the yarn I used for the dishcloths.

The yarn is Casablanca Sommer-Bouclé bought on sale at Rauma Ullvarefabrikk (http://www.raumaull.no/) in Norway. I can't find it in their web-store...

Garnet jeg brukte til oppvaskklutene i forrige innlegg er Casablanca Sommer-Bouclé kjøpt på salg hos Rauma Ullvarefabrikk (http://www.raumaull.no/) i sommer . Jeg vet ikke om det er til salgs lenger...

mandag 19. november 2007

Lots of dishcloths and a scarf

Lots of dishcloths are made for Christmas, maybe (?).

These are my best dishcloths ever.

This is simply garther stitch. 30 stitches on US 8 needles. The bouclé-yarn makes the nice texture.

And I've made a blue fun-fur scarf for a little girl I know.

It's one tread fun-fur (Funny) and one tread Flamè (cotton).

I forberedelsen til jula har jeg strikket en masse oppvaskkluter. Disse er absolutt favorittene mine. Kjempegode i bruk, og holder seg fine etter vask. Julegaver kanskje?

Og så har jeg laget et skjerf i Funny og Flamè (bomull/lin). Jeg kjenner en jente som kanskje blir glad for dette.

Jeg vet at endel lesere gjerne vil se bloggen min på engelsk, men at også endel savner det norske. Gi meg en kommentar dersom du gjerne vil se bloggen min, også på norsk.

lørdag 17. november 2007

New free pattern: Tiny Christmas Sock and Mitten

I have been working on the "Tiny Christmas Sock" and the "Tiny Christmas Mitten"-patterns today:

Patterns HERE.
Have fun! :)

onsdag 14. november 2007

No blog Mojo

I have tons of pictures to show you, but I don't want to blog...


Here are the short row beanies I made this summer, no pattern yet...

And here are the socks I was going to wright a pattern for, Crossing Stitches:

No pattern yet...

I'm knitting tiny Christmas ornaments, when I should be knitting Christmas gifts. I have to stop! *lol*

fredag 9. november 2007

Free pattern: Mini holiday mittens and socks

Ready for some fun Holiday knitting?

Free Patterns at: My Pattern Site

tirsdag 6. november 2007

Sideway socks

The worst socks ever.

Too tight in the toe, too wide in the leg.

I have frogged!


lørdag 3. november 2007

A fitting sock, not...

I tried to make a sock using this pattern, and ended up with:

It's 5 cm too long, in the toe. *grr*

fredag 2. november 2007


Inspired by Grumperina's post on three-dimensional-scarves I had to try to make my own:

Version 1:

Really easy knitting, and I got bored, so I frogged it.

But I had to try one more version.

Version 2:

One more needle to handel, but not difficult. I got bored again, and frogged this too.

I ended up with this scarf:

Garther stitch... *lol*

Yarn: Sandra soft, 50 gram
dpns: 7 mm
Pattern: 15 sts, Garther stitch
Size: 15x90 cm